Thursday, February 16, 2012


I have a bottle of water with 'Pure Ocean' on the label. Oddly enough, the water is not salty. I'm guessing it has not been scooped up from the ocean after all. This is perhaps a good thing. Not too keen to get off my chops on bottled seawater, aye. So, really, it's not even impure ocean, it's just not ocean at all. And underneath the 'Pure Ocean' label it reads, 'Let's drink to life!' I've never seen anyone toast anything with bottles of water. Cheers to life, insert plastic chink here. What about cheers to plastic pollution.

I recall a time, many moons ago, when bottled water was not a thing. How did people survive? Humans must have been more like camels back then. My lumps, my lumps, my lovely lady lumps.....for storing water. I predict that bottled water is on the way out. Soon people will be far too busy to even drink water. Everyone will be walking around with drips.

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